Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Audience: kids that likes games and can read.
Title: Monopoly.
Aim/Goal: The poison that has more money then everyone else.
Equipment: Dice, Monopoly money, blokes, Bored, playing cards.
1. First roll the dice to see who lends on a six first.
2. Pick a colour of a bloke that you won’t to play as.
3. Everyone goes to began playing who ever got six rolls the dice3 first then it goes like largest to smallest.
4. After you have been around the board once you can start buying a house.
5. If you lane on jail you stay on and also miss a go.
6. If you land on same ones house you have to pay them bake.
7. If you lose all your money you have lost the game.
8. The people that are still playing the game have won also the poison that has more money that has won.

As many people can play
Most people plays it when it rans.

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